This 5 European Countries with the most targeted Indonesia

This 5 European Countries with the most targeted Indonesia Indonesia once again participate in the world's largest travel exhibition , Internationale Tourismus Boerse ( ITB ) Berlin . T...

These Desperate Men Walking around the World

Traveling around the world by plane may be used , but what about walking ? This reckless actions carried out by the traveler n...

Discount and Attractive? She's The tips

Vacationing is not necessarily expensive . The important thing is to enjoy, increase knowledge , familiar with family , and ef...

Tips on Photographing Cap Go Meh in Singkawang

Cap Go Meh Singkawang in West Kalimantan is a colossal cultural agenda , which was attended by 600 Tatung ( shaman ) from all...

Bukit Kasih di Lereng Gunung Soputan

IF you want to enjoy the natural beauty of the hilltop while soaking in hot water berbelerang , came to the Mount of Love i...


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